Sunday, June 8, 2008

First Safari In South Africa

This is what you call an Africian traffic jam! Last Sat. we went out to a wild animal preserve. The animals run free in the area and you drive around on dirt roads and try to find them! As we came around the bend we saw a pride of lions walking down the road, this one decided to just lay down right in the middle of the road and sun himself. As you can see no cars could pass and we just waited until he decided he wanted to move on. Where are the females when you need them! We spent most of the day driving around trying to find the animals. We saw lions, cheetahs, ( they were really hard to find as they blend in the the dried grasses) rhinos, zebras, wild dogs, and all sorts of elk/ antalope type annimals! The best part of the day was that I got to play with lion cubs and hubby got play with a two year old cheetah.


Pedaling said...

wow, how fun. love those shots, I'm guessing you took them?

sandyseashells said...

What beautiful animals. Thanks for sharing. Great shots.